Saturday, February 16, 2008

Heard at the doctor's office...

My pain doctor said to us yesterday of a procedure, "this isn't necessary. It's a quality-of-life issue."

When quality of life is considered more important than quantity of same, particularly by doctors who are supposed to specialize in the treatment of pain, then we will be making real strides in medicine.

Pardon my lack of a more substantial post for the weekend; I am in a lot of pain and am physically worn out from work, school, and pain (plus driving and the little bit of housework I do--I haven't done enough of that, and I hope we don't get in trouble because the driveway isn't shoveled).

1 comment:

tammy said...

I am Tammy and work with Sharon at 911. I have been diag. since the mid 80 and no dr had ever given pain meds until I started to a rhuem.recently. I told her I never knew life without some pain in a long time. She also recently gave me a pres. for provigil which helps fatique, however; the ins. co. has to have a prior auth.form and I am having a heck of a time getting it from her office. I did purchase 5 which cost me 33.00. I took 1/2 on Sat and like the results, however; tonight I took another 1/2 before coming to work and the results were not as good, but I am on the down side of a 3 day headache. That may have a bearing on it as well.
I am sorry you are having such a hard time with the medical areana as I know it is frustrating. Hang in there.
Just FYI- I take SAMe everyday and it does help me.