Monday, June 30, 2008


I thought this was important enough to share. If you don't have money to send, help by spreading the word.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Weekend Updates (Personal)

The other day, driving home, there was some strange cloud cover. One of the clouds seemed to reach for the ground, pulling away from the cloud bank like taffy. The sun, invisible behind the cloud from where I sat, turned the column into an opaque rainbow. As Kermit says, "rainbows are... only illusions," but this one seemed more real and solid than others. A less pragmatic person might have seen it as a sign of some sort; it was lovely for itself without any portent.

A couple managers found my blog this week (separately and coincidentally). One of them suggested I get a medical note and then could wear my Crocs. I remembered to do that when I called to make an appointment to discuss the possible benefits (and drawbacks) of a reduction. I mentioned that on Reddit and started a controversy I didn't expect. I try to be matter of fact, but the truth is, I get defensive about all this online as well as when dealing with medical professionals. I don't want to be judged by my conditions or other people's assumptions about the ways I deal with them, when all I am doing is what anyone is doing: trying to do my best to get through this life as well as I can.

My leg is finally a little better after the procedure--I have an ache, but not the same level of stiffness and limping on that side. The shoes made a difference, too, I think. Today was movie day again, but we walked to the store for some snacks so we'd at least not totally vegetate for the day. Lord of the Rings: The Complete Extended Trilogy is an interesting marathon if you're a bunch of geek girls who are willing to make slash-fic jokes about the characters. I'm still behind on housework from being a little less mobile than I would have liked this week, but I have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday off this next week, so I will try to catch up on some tidying-up and laundry then.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Some days I'm not feeling it.

The end of last week got weird. I had a lot of calls, a lot of appointments, and a lot of things happening at once (of which nothing has come yet, but that's not the point). One was the patient advocate getting involved. I emailed a history and haven't heard back yet.

I went to the pain clinic dr. on Friday. He did do a shot in L-5:S-1, and to Triwest's credit, it was approved by this morning. I wasn't expecting a shot without Tricare preapproval, so I had to go get things for my husband afterward. By the time I got home, I was pretty swollen and bruised. I still have a pretty serious limp.

I have a new casual diagnosis of osteoarthritis in my fingers. The only "new" option he could suggest was the Black-Box-Warning-Labeled Celebrex, which I am willing to try if a doctor really wants to go there, but with my history of NSAID allergies, I can't even try it when there's no other adult home unless they'd like to monitor me in a clinical setting. What do you do for this without meds? Ice doesn't help with stiffness--it can cause it--but I've been using ice water hand baths when swelling/pain get too bad for some very temporary relief.

Last night I started crying for no really good reason but that I missed my guys and I was in pain and tired and lonely for a bit. Today I'm still feeling rather down.

Like I said, I am still limping, but I did walk up to the post office and then mow the lawn just ahead of it starting to sprinkle out. I could hear but not see the Thunderbirds practicing for the air show all day, but they seem to be done now. Mowing the lawn gives me both a sense of sadness/loss and a sense of accomplishment; on one hand, I am getting things done, and on the other, I hate mowing down wildflowers, which is all dandelions really are. They're pretty and sunny and yellow; what more can you ask? And I think I said before that the better option environmentally would be to leave lawns alone to grow; we'd save a lot of gas nationwide, cut tons of greenhouse gas emissions, and have more naturally-growing plants recycling the air. But rules are rules, you know, so mow I do.

I have a lot more to do here and Friday is movie day again (Lord of the Rings marathon!). Hopefully I'll get this place in shape by then.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Today's physical activity was yard work. I mowed front and back, considering that if we could all just let our lawns grow, we'd reduce air pollution and help the Earth by the grass's greater ability to recycle the air and pull out excessive carbon. Then, I dug holes around the back fence, filled in other holes, and planted sunflower seeds in the little holes and filled them back in with topsoil and potting soil. I spent about an hour sweating out in the sun (and another half hour hauling trash to the recycling center/trash area). I try to get out and move around on my days off, even though I haven't been able to get myself going fast enough to get to the gym on my work days the last few weeks.

I have an appointment at the pain clinic next week. I don't think the approval in with the insurance will let him give me the lower back shot next week; hopefully it will not take long to get a new appointment for one, as I am starting to have a lot of difficulty walking and driving again. I had to adjust the shoes I was wearing for work. If anyone knows any shoes like Crocs or Okabashis with basically a light foam sole, but with a professional-looking upper, please let me know! It would really help me out.

Anyway, keep on moving, everyone!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday musings

As I got on the highway heading home today, a black Mustang with silver racing stripes got right on my tail. I got over and let the guys by. They were cute and trying to dare me to race them, and I was tempted for a moment but let them pass by. I'm too scared to get a ticket to really let fly.

I castigated myself for a moment for cowardice, then remembered that I had to get some groceries on the way home--just a couple bits--and started mentally composing my shopping list, and singing along to the radio, and thinking about what I need to tell the doctor in two weeks. I'm thinking I will need a shot in my lower back at least; it's getting hard to drive again as that nerve flares up.

The weather was odd today; I'd be in bright sunshine and it would be pouring rain, then under the black clouds it was gloomy but dry.

Anyway, I rounded the bend to North Pole and saw flashing police-car lights. I got over to the left lane and checked my speed--not excessive, though I did slow down a little anyway--then, I realized that the car the policeman had stopped was that same Mustang. Sorry, guys; sometimes, slow and steady does win it.

Oh, hey, looks like Vista SP1 is out. I have some major finance homework to finish tomorrow. Guess I'd better update and get some sleep so I'll be fresh for homework in the morning.