Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hell is other people...

If you're not feeling sensitive, read this.

I couldn't respond. I'm shaking with anger. Never mind the pain people live with on a daily basis. Never mind that addiction is virtually unknown among people who are actually in pain. We have "AngryPharmacist"s complaining that patients use it as an excuse to take pain medicine--taking pain medicine makes me vomit at least once every couple weeks, but obviously, I'm enjoying the dizziness and nausea because of some theoretical high, and then we have some nurse bitching that the only real "sufferer" she's known must have been suffering because she didn't take real pain medicine, managing with massage and "an occasional Advil."

I self-treated with Advil for a good decade before that allergy took out an entire class of pain medicine. I have obvious inflammation in major areas of my body, and doctors who hear about the pain will dismiss other real issues (the muscle pain is worst? OK, we won't treat the cervical disc disease for now, then) because they'll attribute everything to FMS--who cares if my fingers are stiff and swollen and crack when I use my hands? Obviously, since I have been independently diagnosed with this several times, I made up having pain all over so that I could get Flexeril I can take only at bedtime because it renders me incapable of functioning at all for several hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you're so upset. You say you're allergic to the ibuprofen class of drugs and half the people you talk to are going to assume you're out to get narcs.

Forgive me for being a non-believer. If you think the first post was bad, just wait till you read the new one.