Sunday, July 06, 2008

It's been a long week.

I had an extra day off last week because of the 4th being a paid holiday, and I really meant to get more done around the house, but I have just been exhausted. Last night when my friend went home, I started to feel sick and unbearably sad for no real reason, but it was late at night and I went to bed without finishing watching The Witches. It's OK; I have a feeling they probably didn't end the movie like they ended the book. This morning, I feel better, but everything hurts and my fingers are slow and thick-feeling.

I got some new phones this week--we're upgraded to smartphones, though his does not have the Blackberry package until he gets home. There's no point in doing more than the family talk/text plan for now. When I was transferring contacts, I tried to let as many people as I could know about the new number, and in the process found out that one friend with two kids was homeless and living in a tent. They need to get to another state where they have both medical help and a place to stay; I sent what I could and will hope for the best for them.

The new class term starts again tomorrow. The next break will be December. For now, I am trying to start making to-do lists and to get one thing done in or around the house on each day off besides the ongoing chores. Hopefully I can keep it in better state than I have been doing, but sometimes, you do what you can and let the rest go.

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