Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday musings

As I got on the highway heading home today, a black Mustang with silver racing stripes got right on my tail. I got over and let the guys by. They were cute and trying to dare me to race them, and I was tempted for a moment but let them pass by. I'm too scared to get a ticket to really let fly.

I castigated myself for a moment for cowardice, then remembered that I had to get some groceries on the way home--just a couple bits--and started mentally composing my shopping list, and singing along to the radio, and thinking about what I need to tell the doctor in two weeks. I'm thinking I will need a shot in my lower back at least; it's getting hard to drive again as that nerve flares up.

The weather was odd today; I'd be in bright sunshine and it would be pouring rain, then under the black clouds it was gloomy but dry.

Anyway, I rounded the bend to North Pole and saw flashing police-car lights. I got over to the left lane and checked my speed--not excessive, though I did slow down a little anyway--then, I realized that the car the policeman had stopped was that same Mustang. Sorry, guys; sometimes, slow and steady does win it.

Oh, hey, looks like Vista SP1 is out. I have some major finance homework to finish tomorrow. Guess I'd better update and get some sleep so I'll be fresh for homework in the morning.

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