Monday, July 14, 2008


Last week, I picked up some kind of bug. I went to the doc on Tuesday morning to talk about some things I already discussed here, and around the same time, I started to get that tickle in the back of my throat that meant I was getting some form of upper respiratory virus. I generally work with bugs like that by ignoring them and refusing to get sick; usually I can just keep going. Several days of intermittent fevers and no sleep because I couldn't lie down (I got a lot of reading done last week) without feeling like the Blob had taken up residence in my head, which made it rather difficult to sleep, took its toll; by the weekend, I was sleeping in my chair and dizzy nearly to the point of passing out from just walking around.

I gave up and told them I would not be in Sunday, and that I'd get in for sick call this morning if it wasn't better.

I left DH a message to send me messages so my phone would wake me this morning--you call at 0730 or you don't get in for sick call. When I didn't answer the messages, he called; we usually IM and he spends his morale calls on his daughter. So, one of the few times I can talk to him, I can't talk; I haven't the wind to hold up a conversation.

Anyway, I got in this morning. Now I'm on the industrial strength cough syrup with codeine, guaifenesin, pseudoephedrine, and something else, as well as antibiotics and saline nasal spray. It's a little sedating, and limits me being able to take pain medication--I can't do much more than get up and stretch right now, so my neck and back are worse than usual. I did order some corsets today (not the kind with the boning--just bras that support all the way to the waist, basically), because I found out that the Tricare office won't put in the consult with the surgeon my doctor said they would; I have to wait for a consult to open at Traviss AFB (between SF and Sacramento), which could take up to a year, and I can't imagine continuing like this that long; a regular back brace helps but gets in the way of other clothing.

I am hoping to make it to work tomorrow. The house is a mess, and we're supposed to have a Harry Potter marathon here on Friday. Hopefully the girls do not hold the condition of the house against me. I got my Excel labs done, so I just have to get three short essays and a quiz in on the state of modern business and technology before then.

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